Cascade Unitarian Universalist Fellowship employs a modified version of Policy Governance. The congregation, the board, and the staff are the governance partners.
Board of Trustees (BOT)
The membership elects a Board of Trustees as its governing body and calls a Minister to serve as its spiritual and administrative leader. The Board focuses on the long-term mission and fiscal well-being of the congregation. In partnership with the Minister and congregation, the Board creates a vision, develops a strategic plan, and sets policies. Click to review our bylaws, Board policy handbook, and fiscal policy manual.
CUUF’s Elected Board of Trustees 2024/2025
BOT Basics
Members of the Board of Trustees (BOT) are elected by members of the Fellowship at the annual meeting in May or June. Members serve three-year terms. In addition to the President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary, two members serve in at-large positions. The Minister also is a member of the BOT.
The BOT is authorized by CUUF’s by-laws to manage the general business and property of the Fellowship. However, matters that fall outside that authority and require Congregational approval are the following:
- Employment and/or release of a minister
- Purchase or sale of any Fellowship property
- The annual budget
- Amendment of the by-laws
BOT Meeting & Minutes
The BOT meets at 6:30 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month at CUUF. A Zoom option might also be offered for online participation. These meetings are open to observers.
Anyone who wants to propose an item for the Board agenda should submit their idea to a BOT member. They can also submit a question to any member of the BOT. The BOT member will forward it for consideration by the Executive Team. This team—whose members are the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Minister—meets about a week before each BOT meeting to set the agenda.
CUUF’s Committees, Teams, and Programs
Committees work in partnership with the Board. The charters and a brief description of our current committees are below:
- Executive Committee: This includes the president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and minister. The executive committee sets the agenda for the Board
- Finance Committee: This committee quantifies the dreams of the membership. Monthly meetings are used to draft fiscal policy, assist the Board in reconciling church goals to its financial performance, and recommend an annual budget.
- Fundraising Committee: Raises money for the operating budget.
- New Building Finance Committee: Shepherds capital campaign funds and advises the congregation as needed.
- Nominating Committee: Solicits qualified candidates to serve on the Board of Trustees, Nominating Committee, and any other elected positions within the Fellowship. Also, they aspire to foster leadership skills among members.
- Personnel Committee: Works in partnership with the Board of Trustees to support Cascade Unitarian Universalist Fellowship in its role as an employer. Manages the human resources needs of the Fellowship.
- Stewardship Committee: This committee plans and implements strong, sustainable stewardship programs grounded in the Fellowship’s mission and vision and directs the annual stewardship campaign.
Teams work in partnership with the minister. Team descriptions/charters can be seen here.
- Building and Grounds: Oversees the general appearance and upkeep of our buildings and grounds.
- Children’s Religious Exploration/Youth Group: Works to provide a well-rounded religious education program for children and teens.
- Community Care Coordinating Team: Addresses various community needs by taking actions that embody the values and principles of Unitarian Universalism and that can be used to grow awareness and change.
- Congregational Life: Plans and carries out social activities to promote fellowship.
- Covenant Group Steering Team: Provides opportunities for personal intimacy and ultimacy while bringing depth and breadth to the spiritual fabric of the congregation by overseeing the Small Group Ministry Program and supporting the individual Covenant groups.
- Greeters: Provides a warm welcome to congregants on Sunday morning as well as other church events.
- Highway 28 Clean-Up: Picks up trash from both sides of a two-mile stretch of Highway 28 twice a year.
- Membership Team: Welcomes people to the congregation, providing opportunities for education and social connection. This committee helps people integrate into the life of the congregation and join the Fellowship when they are ready.
- My Free Little Pantry: Maintains supplies of shelf-stable food, household cleaning products, and personal care items via an outdoor cabinet that can be accessed by those in need 24 hours a day.
- Packing Friendship: Provides food for children who are at risk of hunger on weekends and during school vacation periods. Students served by Packing Friendship typically rely on the free and reduced-price public school lunch program during the school week.
- Pastoral Care Team: Provides a caring presence by supervised volunteers for CUUF members who are experiencing a difficult time in their lives. It is a ministry of presence and care, non-judgmental companioning, and compassionate listening.
- Visual Arts: This department provides a visual representation of worship themes through multi-element monthly displays and special indoor and outdoor exhibits.
- Website Team: Works on maintaining our website so it is attractive, user-friendly, informative, and accurate.
- Worship Team: Actively collaborates with the minister to plan worship as well as act as Celebrants during the service. Musicians are a subset of this team.
Task Forces
Task forces are appointed by the Board to serve for a specific period of time to address specific needs.
- Health & Safety Task Force: Consulting public health authorities, this task force monitors community health trends, including COVID levels, and advises the Board about congregational health safety protocols.
- New Building Task Force: This task force was recently approved to lead the investigation and determination of CUUF’s residency. It is actively seeking volunteers. You can find more information on the ‘Building Updates‘ page.
Pacific Northwest District Grant Program
Chalice Lighter Ambassadors: Connects our congregation to the Pacific Northwest District of the UUA to fund projects around the district for church growth and vitality.