CUUF Covenant Groups

Covenant Groups are like discussion groups but oh so different! These fun, intimate, supportive groups will enrich your life as you share your beliefs and hear the views of others while reflecting on life’s bigger questions. The format of speaking from the heart and listening attentively without asking questions, giving advice, or making comments fosters deep, meaningful relationships. Privacy is respected; what is said in a Covenant Group stays in a Covenant Group.

The groups of 6 to 10 CUUF members and friends commit to meeting regularly, usually twice a month, for about an hour and a half from September through May. Each gathering, led by a trained facilitator, explores a different topic but follows the same format.

Groups create their covenants, which are agreements regarding how the members will interact and how the group will serve the congregation and the community. 

CUUF now has four robust Covenant Groups that meet regularly!

Additional Covenant Groups will be formed in the future when we have enough interest and a few more trained facilitators. We would love for everyone to have the opportunity to be part of this unique experience that adds depth and breadth to our spiritual experience through creating deeper, more meaningful relationships with individuals and building broader, more caring connections to church and community.

“Participating in a Covenant group allows me to train myself to be an active listener and be respectful when others speak.  Also, when I respond to the questions, I always learn more about myself”.    – Stephanie

“The covenant group allows me to share in confidence and provides space to actively listen to others with an open heart. The questions proposed at each meeting provide opportunities to deeply reflect.”  – Kathy

To get on the waiting list, please contact one of the our Covenant Group Coordinators:

Rita Salama:, phone: (509)630-3385
Jeff Lau:, phone: (509)679-8424.