Our Sunday service almost always begins at 10:30 AM each week. However, on certain holidays, it may be scheduled for another time. Please be sure to check our CUUF Calendar to verify our worship times during the holidays. Worship services are hosted in our sanctuary and online via Zoom.

We come together for fellowship, inspiration, and to challenge ourselves. Unitarian Universalists will say that if you want to know what a typical UU service feels like, you must attend at least six times. During this time, you will encounter variety. However, there are some elements that you can usually count on:

  • Beautiful music
  • A story for children
  • The sharing of our joys and sorrows
  • Good company
  • Rituals like lighting and extinguishing our chalice.

Most weeks, a sermon or talk engages our hearts and minds. We are learning how to be good humans, and that takes practice! So, we come together at least once weekly to support and nurture one another on the journey.