The CUUF community is engaged with other churches and organizations in several ongoing projects:

Faith Action Network:

CUUF is a member of the statewide Faith Action Network (FAN), a multifaith, non-profit organization with over 167 faith communities across Washington State partnering for the common good.

Interfaith Justice Coalition of NCW

CUUF is a founding member of the Interfaith Justice Coalition of NCW, a unified voice of equity, love and inclusion in our community. The Interfaith Justice Coalition has regular gatherings to connect over coffee and plan community actions.

Sign up for Interfaith Justice Coalition’s emailing list to get information about upcoming events and opportunities

Packing Friendship

A partnership between local churches and schools that provides food for children who are at risk of going hungry. The students served by the program typically rely on the school’s free and reduced lunch program to provide breakfast and lunch during the school week. Packing Friendship seeks to bridge the gap between the food provided by the school and student needs on weekends and during vacations. The team consists of three to five CUUF volunteers who rotate on an annual basis.

St Luke’s Episcopal Church Community Meal

Provides a free lunch at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church on the last Saturday of each month. The CUUF Team consists of a lead/co-lead who coordinates with St. Luke’s Episcopal Church members to obtain access to their kitchen. The lead also requests donations from a list of 10-14 CUUF members. These members provide the food needed to make the monthly meal. This service is conducted monthly by CUUF, while St. Luke’s and the First United Methodist Church produce for the remaining Saturdays.  Click Here to view the Charter. 

Little Free Pantry

The outdoor cabinet on our campus offers a variety of shelf-stable food, household cleaning products, and personal care items. Those in need can access it 24/7. The Little Free Pantry program is part of a larger local network of churches. It seeks to fill gaps people are experiencing and to complement the food bank system. The team works based on the philosophy of take what you need, donate what you can. It consists of at least seven CUUF members with two or three alternates. Click Here to view the charter.

Highway 28 Cleanup Team

Walks and picks up trash from both sides of a 2-mile stretch of Highway 28 twice a year. The team consists of at least 9 CUUF members or friends. Staff support is provided to the team by the Washington Department of Transportation. While there are some regular participants, the activity is open to any volunteers who want to help. Volunteers must be physically capable of walking on level to steep terrain for two to three hours.  Click Here to view charter.