Take a deep breath. What does it feel like? Does it release tension? Is it calming? Energizing? That’s what you will experience as you engage with the Cascade Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (CUUF). 

At CUUF, you will find yourself welcome and in the company of people committed to creating a world with space and regard for everyone, regardless of backgrounds and beliefs—a caring, dynamic come-as-you-are gathering embracing you with your unique gifts and talents. A fellowship in the truest sense of the word – united in its commitment to make a difference in the world and a better place for all. Whatever your faith tradition or belief system, there is space for you here to contribute your talents and ideas, to receive support from others, and to question, explore, and grow as a person, which is the Unitarian Universalist way.

Our Congregational Covenant

We are energized by the vast pool of energy contributing to the dynamics of our fellowship. We recognize that we are all individuals struggling to find life’s meaning in a church that is not driven by a creed from on high. Each Sunday service includes music, prayer, inspirational readings, sharing personal joys and sorrows, and an inspirational message. So, take that deep breath and join us on Sunday mornings at 10:30 a.m. You’ll see all kinds of attire at our come-as-you-are service. If you’re a fashion plate, come dressed to the nines. If casual is your style, no problem. Just go and see how welcome you’ll be. And stay for refreshments after the service.

  • CUUF's 2023 Gallery