Author Archives: admin

Minister’s Musings – Your Sacred Yes

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and then do that thing. Because what the world needs is people who are alive.” – Howard Thurman We all do it, say yes to multiple projects, and then realize we’ve taken on too much. We may say yes out of duty/responsibility, guilt, … Continued

Events at CUUF 10/3-10/10

Young Adult MeetingsBeginning TODAY, Friday, October 3rd, at 7:00pm, Heather Coonrod will lead the young adults’ activities in the sanctuary.  Young Adult meetings will be held each first-Friday evening.  Monthly Theme Discussion GroupThis Monday, October 6th Noon to 1:30pm, Rev. Laura will facilitate a discussion of October’s theme of “Yes.”  Bring a lunch and your thoughts about the theme.  All … Continued

Minister’s Musings – As Long As I Have Breath

“Every day, we gather what we think we’ll need, pick up what we love and all that we so far believe, put on our history, shoulder our experience and memory, take inventory of our blessings, and we start walking toward morning.” – Rev. Victoria Safford We are invited to say ‘Yes’ to life, love, and truth … Continued

Notes from the Parish Nurse

Greetings,I will be offering the Creating Balance class once again! We already have one of our graduates signing up to take it again because she had so much fun in the previous two classes! We will assess which healthy habits we individually would like to create in body, mind, and spirit. Tools include creating a … Continued

Notes From the Parish Nurse

Greetings,As we begin our new fellowship year, I want to mention a program CUUF offers to connect volunteers with folks in need of temporary assistance due to illness or injury. This can be in the form of rides, meals, and visits. The program is called Lotsa Helping Hands created by a man who was the … Continued

Events at CUUF 9/20-9/26

Brown Bag Theme DiscussionThis Sunday, September 21st Noon to 1:30pm, Rev. Laura will facilitate an in-depth discussion of the theme for the month. Bring a lunch and thoughts about the theme of “growth.”  All ages are welcome. Community Service Project SundayBring any gently used or new children’s books this Sunday to help benefit the Literacy Council. Children will discuss the importance … Continued

Minister’s Musings – Encouragement of Spiritual Growth

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience.” – Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, French Philosopher & Jesuit Priest According to Rev. Rob Hardies, “Spiritual growth isn’t about a vertical ascent to heaven but about growth in every dimension at once. It’s spirituality in 3-D. Growth in spirit … Continued

Notes from the Parish Nurse

Greetings,Last call for the upcoming beginning meditation class! There are as many ways to meditate as there are people in the world! Some prefer sitting mantra meditations, others prefer mindfulness or breathing meditations, while others need to move, finding walking or dance meditations fit them best. Some folks use prayer, others prefer to spend quiet time … Continued

Events at CUUF 9/13-9/19

Share the Plate Today is our first Share the Plate collection for the new fiscal year.  The recipient will be the Literacy Council of Chelan and Douglas Counties, and Louise Verellen will come to talk about the Literacy Council’s programs. Covenant Group Facilitator TrainingThe mission of CUUF Covenant Groups is to add depth and breadth to our … Continued

Minister’s Musings – Growing Edges

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” – Anais Nin, 20th Century Author ‘Where are your growing edges?’ This was a question asked often during my seminary years. The intention was to challenge my fellow seminarians and I to … Continued