I will be offering the Creating Balance class once again! We already have one of our graduates signing up to take it again because she had so much fun in the previous two classes! We will assess which healthy habits we individually would like to create in body, mind, and spirit. Tools include creating a self care plan, goal setting using the S.M.A.R.T. goal setting process, and we will gain insights on our unique mind-body type according to Ayurveda. Ayurveda is an ancient form of medicine from the Vedic scripts, still practiced today, and considered a valid system of medicine by the World Health Organization. We will also spend time meditating in each class.
Join us as we discover how best to create healthier habits, cheer each other on, and create wonderful new friendships.
Creating Balance in Body, Mind, and Spirit…through Healthy Lifestyle Choices
Instructor – Lori Nitchals, RN, Parish Nurse
What – This is a 6-week class created by Lori. The goal of this class is to build intentionally healthy lifestyle habits. You will learn how to design your own unique self care plan with realistic, attainable goals. Lori will draw from several sources including Ayurvedic principles, mindfulness meditation, and her nursing background. After this six week class, participants may join the alumni of previous classes at the monthly potluck/support group.
When – Sundays, October 12th – November 16th from 6:30-8:00pm
Where – CUUF sanctuary
Cost – FREE
Please pre-register by Friday, October 10th – A minimum of eight participants are needed. Each session builds upon the previous session, but if you miss a session, you can contact Lori for the materials. To pre-register, or if you have any questions, please email Lori.