The Strategic Planning Team presented their recommendations to the congregation on Sun, Jan 31. If you were unable to attend, then here are some resources:

Audio Recording of Presentation (21MB .mp3, 75mins)

Strategic Planning Presentation – PowerPoint PDF

Financial Feasibility Study – PDF Document

Feb21 InformationSheet – PDF Document

If you have further questions or to view the research gathered, then you can attend a House Meeting hosted by Team Members and BOT Members. Contact the Office Administrator to sign up. They will be:

Thurs, Feb 4 at 6:30pm – Deb Miller

Wed, Feb 10 at Noon – Don Flick

Fri, Feb 12 at 7pm (Parent Group, childcare provided) – Rev. Laura

Sat, Feb 13 at 10am – Carrie Moody

Tues, Feb 16 at 5:30pm – Tracey Kasnic

Fri, Feb 19 at 7pm – Mark Seman