Author Archives: admin

Notes from the Parish Nurse

A Buddhist perspective on accepting difficulty…adapted from an article by Rick Hanson, PhD. “Why? Sometimes things are difficult. Your legs are tired and you still have to stay on your feet another hour at work. You love a child who’s finding her independence through emotional distance from you. A long-term relationship could be losing its … Continued

Minister’s Musings – Correction

What Does it All Mean? – Correction Mia Love is not the first African-American woman elected to Congress. That honor goes to Cynthia McKinney, who has served 6 terms. Mia Love is the first Republican African-American woman elected to Congress.  Thank you, Peggy Love, for catching that and letting me know where I forgot an … Continued

Minister’s Musings – What Does It All Mean?

“…Contemporary religious liberals are not shy about speaking out on important social and political issues, they are often reluctant to do so using specifically religious language.”  – Paul Rasor, ‘Reclaiming Prophetic Witness: Liberal Religion in the Public Sphere’ What do the election results mean to Unitarian Universalists? We have been a faith of liberal ideas … Continued

Notes from the Parish Nurse

Greetings,I came across a video I want to share called “The Time You Have (in jelly beans.)” Here is a copy of the write up from Huffington Post on this wonderful, thought provoking video! “Who knew jelly beans could be so inspirational? It turns out the sweet treat takes on a certain heft — both figuratively and … Continued

Minister’s Musings – Saying Yes to Yourself

Saying Yes to Yourself “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what to do. And you know what you know. And you are the one who’ll decide where to go.”           … Continued

Notes from the Parish Nurse

Greetings,I resonated with this blog – when I look back at my life, every time there was a set back or things did not turn out as planned, I ended up being given an opportunity for something even better than I had originally imagined! Now when I set my mind on something, I always remember to … Continued

Notes from the Parish Nurse

Greetings,Lots of folks say they have the “flu” when they get ill during flu season. I have seen many patients come in saying they have the “flu” and need something to get back to work. They were generally diagnosed with a simple upper respiratory infection aka “a cold.” I have seen many patients come in … Continued

Minister’s Musings – Venture Out

“Only those who risk to go too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” – T. S. Eliot  Adapted words from Poet Marni P. Harmony: If, on a starlit night, with the moon brilliantly shimmering, We stay inside and do not venture out, the evening universe remains a part of life we shall … Continued

Notes from the Parish Nurse

Greetings,I would like to share the following wisdom this week. What a great reminder for us as we maneuver through our busy days! The 6 Second Challenge…“In 6 seconds you can kiss someone like you mean it. In 6 seconds you can hold open a door. In 6 seconds you can wait for a little straggler … Continued

Events at CUUF 10/10-10/17

Share the Plate Sunday!  –  Women’s Resource Center of NCW will be the beneficiary for Sunday’s Share the Plate collection. UU Parent Group MeetingTODAY, Friday, October 10th, at 6:00pm, Rev. Laura will facilitate the group discussion.  This is a casual gathering of parents/guardians and children. We share a potluck dinner and then children and adults separate for activities and discussion. All are welcome. For … Continued