
Embracing World Community

Our 6th Principle enjoins us to strive for “The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all.” Lynn Madsen and Kmbris Bond are wondering what other cultures have to teach us about these ideas. How do we set aside our own cultural lenses to examine and appreciate other art, ideas and traditions?  

Where Is the Peace, Liberty, and Justice?

We will explore together the concepts of peace, liberty, and justice. In our exploration, we will try to find where they are present and where they are lacking.  

“Compassion in Action”

“Developing our capacity for compassion makes it possible for us to help others in a more skillful and effective way. And compassion helps us as well.”  ~Joan Halifax. Join us as we explore how spontaneous action and compassion are appropriate in peacemaking.  

Keeping Hope Alive

In this world where there seems to be violence, sorrow, oppression on every side, how do we keep hope alive in our own hearts? Are there any signs of hope in this “big bad world” around us? The Arts? Science? Hiking? Your pets? What soothes your soul? Come join us as we explore hope.  

Resistance Within

Oftentimes, we struggle with what we should do and what we want to do in our lives. This internal struggle limits our potential as well as keeps us from enjoying the moment. We will explore this struggle in ritual and music.  

Protest Songs: Give Me a “U”!

Social and political movements have historically used music to attract supporters and change public opinion. We’ll explore how the messaging of music can  remain effective in a social media world.  

Resistance: With or Without Force?

Rev. Dr Martin Luther King, Jr often preached about non-violent resistance. However, even he recognized at times when additional means were necessary. We will struggle with the question of when that line blurs and when it is solid.    

Flowers of Resistance: Annual Flower Communion

Join us this morning as we bring flowers from our lives into worship to share with one another. This annual service remembers the resistance of Rev.  Norbert Capek during World War II. Please bring flowers to share during the service.  

This I Believe

Individuals from the CUUF community will speak about what they believe. This is a favorite service for many and highlights the many beliefs held within our walls.  

Auction Sermon: Trusting Our Christian Roots

We will explore the place Christianity holds in the history of Unitarian Universalism. Then, we will turn to ways we can embrace and support those who are Christian among us now.