Rev. Laura Shennum

Living Our Values

We will review what we have learned by engaging the elements of our covenant all year. What new lessons in relationship and in being in community have you discovered?

What is Grace?

We will explore the concept of grace and how it can be expanded to hold the complexity of human relationship and interaction.

Flowers of Love & Celebration/Annual Flower Communion

We will gather to celebrate the connections and work we have done over this past year. Our celebration will include new members, new transitions, and new connections. Please bring flowers from your garden or the store to share in this colorful communion of love.

Speaking Honestly

We will explore honesty in our society and in our lives. Is it really valued? What do we do when encounter honesty in a conversation? And do we really want to hear the honest truth?

Our Personal Gospels

Each of us carry a piece of good news and it resonates with how we engage our spiritual life. We will take time to learn about these gospels from each other.

Creating Our Legacy – Campaign Kickoff

We are in a time of transition and transformation. We are excited to see a future and a legacy for our Fellowship. This morning, we will hear personal testimonies and celebrate the legacy we want to create.

Acting Within Our Values: In-Service Sunday

We will put our values in action this morning and engage in activities to benefit communities beyond our walls. Please come with an open mind and willing hands to participate in service to others.

Recognizing Our Gifts & Strengths

Each of us bring with us into CUUF gifts and strengths we can offer to each other as well as our community. We will take some time this morning to find ways to identify them as well as discover where they may be needed in our congregational activities.