A Touchy, Feely World
We all experience touch in different ways. It can be a comfort or it can be a harm. We will explore our relationship with touch and how it affects our relationships with each other.
We all experience touch in different ways. It can be a comfort or it can be a harm. We will explore our relationship with touch and how it affects our relationships with each other.
We will explore the relationship music has in our experience of hearing and seeing. How does that relationship impact our lives and how is it used in our society? Join us for a fun exploration of these two senses.
Many factors can have an impact on the loss of our sensual experience. How does it impact our lives when we can’t hear or see or taste, etc? How can we support and allow for people to be supported in their loss? We will work through an activity together to help us understand.
All of us are sensitive in some ways; to sensory experience, to emotions, to ideals. Some of us have sensitive temperaments and are responsive to almost everything. All sensitivity is rooted in our body’s response; our senses tell us what is important and what to pay attention to. Sense–itivity. Join us in a multi sensory … Continued
When the Age of Reason entered into humanity, there was an inclination to no longer trust or put faith in our sensual experience. How has that shaped our society and our interactions with each other? How can we incorporate both our intellectual and sensual experiences into our life and our faith?
Sometimes it is the small things we do which impact people’s lives the greatest. This morning, we will cultivate together practices to offer kindness to others in times of joy and pain.
In the story “The Giving Tree,” the tree gives the boy everything it has to help the boy, including its life. We will explore how this story can be re-written to empower the boy and the tree throughout their life journey. We will look deeper into how this informs us in nurturing each other.
“True peace is not merely the absence of tension; it is the presence of justice.”— Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. As we continue our exploration of nurturing humanity, we turn to Rev. King’s life and work towards justice and equality for all as inspiration for lives guided by Unitarian Universalist principles. Join us for … Continued
People are physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual beings. We honor these in many ways. Often, we forget and try to ignore we are sexual beings as well. In this time of more and more #MeToo stories coming to light, how do we find a way to nurture healthy sexuality in our lives and in our … Continued
As we herald the coming of the New Year, join Deb and Chip for the Fire Communion service, a treasured CUUF tradition. Make way for your heart’s desires as we “clear out the old” and set our intentions for the New Year using fire as a symbolic gesture of spiritual cleansing and renewal.