
Annual Hand Blessing: With Gratitude

We all show care and compassion to the people in our lives. It takes an enormous amount of strength to care for others. Very seldom do we stop and acknowledge how we aid one another. Through a hand washing/blessing ritual, we will pause and show gratitude for the love our hands offer.  

Live From the Pacific West Regional Assembly

This morning, we will be live-streaming from the Pacific West Regional Assembly, where Rev. Vanessa Southern will be preaching about stories of hope, courage, resistance, and resilience.  

A Celebration of Our Earth

We will celebrate our relationship with our Earth through music and readings in all voices.  

Auction Sermon: Trusting Our Christian Roots

We will explore the place Christianity holds in the history of Unitarian Universalism. Then, we will turn to ways we can embrace and support those who are Christian among us now.  

Finding Heaven Between Hope and Doubt

“Laughter and irony are, at heart, reminders that we are not prisoners in this world, but voyagers through it.” ~Eben Alexander.  In this service we will explore how Hollywood screen writers, authors, and world religions, have shaped our ideas of heaven.  

Making Callaloo

Join us for a fun story about a village in Trinidad and the Callaloo soup they make to honor their community. We will explore how we make our own form of Callaloo.  

Leaving Scare City Behind

Fear has the ability to shape our perceptions of the world around us. It can cause us to see scarcity, instead of abundance. We will explore how we shape our perceptions to open up to abundance and leave scarcity behind.  

The Bitter With the Sweet

Life brings us all a smorgasbord of experiences- joy and sorrow, laughter and tears, pain and beauty. This service will invite us to savor a variety of flavors, while reflecting on the ways we are nourished and strengthened by memories, both good and challenging.