New Office Hours!
Rev. Laura’s office hours for this year are as follows:
Tuesdays – 11:00am to 2:00pm
Wednesdays – 11:00am to 2:00pm
By appointment
All Church Potluck
This Sunday, September 7th noon to 1:00pm bring a dish for 10-12 people to share. We will learn about a new pastoral care program and take time to catch up with each other. Let’s celebrate being back together again.
Lunch with the Minister
Sessions will resume on Wednesday, September 10th from noon to 1:00pm. Feel free to bring your lunch and whatever topics you have to discuss.
Shopping List for Packing Friendship
We need proteins for the lunches. Whatever you purchase should have at least 7 grams of protein per serving.
This week’s bargains:
· BiMart – Chef Boyardee pastas for $.88 each
– Jif peanut butter 15oz for 2/$5.00 [If seven people spend $5.00, we could send each child home a large jar of peanut butter]
· Wal-Mart – Chef Boyardee mini ravioli for 4/$3.00
PNWD Discovery Day
There are numerous upcoming workshops at the PNWD Discovery Day on September 27th.
Click here for workshop descriptions and full details. At the Discovery Day page, you will also see a link to register. The registration fee is only $15 per person. Advance registration is required and closes September 10th.
For questions contact Lori Ragona, Pacific Western Region Training and Communications Specialist,
Upcoming Events this Week
Monday, September 8
7:00pm Caring for the Caregiver Group meeting – L. Nitchals, Parish Nurse, facilitating
Tuesday, September 9
12:00pm Adult RE meeting – Rev. Laura Shennum, facilitating
6:30pm Board of Trustees meeting – R. Lyons, chairing
Wednesday, September 10
9:00am Buddhist meditation
5:15pm Peace Vigil in Wenatchee (off site)
5:30pm Zen Buddhist Group meditation
6:30pm Tibetan Buddhist Group meditation
11:00pm Deadline for next Sunday’s announcements
Friday, September 12
6:30pm UU Parent Group meeting – Rev. Laura Shennum, facilitating
Saturday, September 13
9:00am Covenant Facilitator’s meeting – Rev. Laura Shennum, facilitating
Sunday, September 14
A-L please bring treats
10:30am Service: Garden of Faith – Rev. Laura Shennum; Celebrant: C. Rader
12:00pm Blood Pressure Clinic – L. Nitchals, Parish Nurse, facilitating
[4:00pm Humuh Buddhist Satsang]
For more news items, click here