Community Outreach
Packing Friendship
Along with other area churches, Cascade UU provides kid-friendly food to children at local schools. Each week we collect, pack, and deliver food to children at Rock Island Elementary. The children are identified by the school and given the food to take home over the weekend. The members and friends of CUUF donate food, money, shop, pack, and deliver items to the school.
Community Service Project
On the third Sunday of each month, all ages are invited to do a community service project to benefit the Share the Plate recipient for the month. People have the opportunity to attend worship or attend the service project. We have decorated pumpkins to sell, packed food, made pet toys, and many other activities.
Food Bank and Homeless Shelter Collection
We have an on-going collection of items for the area food banks and homeless shelters in the area. People are encouraged to bring in non-perishable food and toiletries to donate.
Annual One-Time Events
We also participate in the following annual events:
World AIDS Day, Dec. 1
Day of Silence, April
Pride Parade, June