Small Dinners Coming Up!
Don’t forget, for those who have RSVP’d, TOMORROW is the day to attend a small dinner. Ya’ll enjoy your time together!
Circle Supper for Thanksgiving!
Also, don’t forget that this month’s Circle Supper will be held in the sanctuary on Thursday, November 27th at 2:00pm. Come join your family at CUUF for Thanksgiving dinner and fun! Bring a dish to share for 10-12 people and your own dinnerware (plate, silverware, cup, napkin). Turkey will be provided. If you would like to bring a game, then feel free to do so. Some games will be provided. Please sign up at the Circle Supper board in the sanctuary or let Rev. Laura know or 881-9658.
Qigong Classes
Eight Pieces of Brocade, a Qigong (pronounced Chi Kung) exercise class will start Sunday, November 23rd at 6:30pm, in the sanctuary at CUUF. The classes will run 4 consecutive Sundays at the same time, 6:30pm, November 23rd, 30th, December 7th and 14th. If you can’t make any particular class, please feel free to attend the ones you can. Eight Pieces of Brocade was developed in 12th century China. It is a set of simple exercises, mindfully coordinated with in and out breaths to help loosen your muscles, enhance your blood circulation, helps with balance and relaxes you. Any questions, please contact LeRoy Farmer 669-3941 or
Directory Updates
Next month will be the next issue of the CUUF directory and anyone who is currently not included, but would like to be, please contact the office administrator to provide your desired contact info…or if you have existing contact info to update.
Volunteers Needed for the UUA General Assembly
The GA will be in Portland, OR during June 24-28, 2015. There are many ways you can contribute as a volunteer to help make it a smashing success. Click this link to get more information on how you can help and whom to contact.
Travelogue Adventures
We are looking for people to present on their adventures. If you have images of a trip or activity that you’d like to share with others, please contact the office administrator at 886-4023 or to setup a date to do so. We look forward to another season of hearing peoples’ stories.
Upcoming Calendar:
Sunday, November 16
A-L please bring treats
9:00am Forum: World Religion; Islam – B. Knecht, facilitating
10:30am Service: Remembering the Past – Rev. Laura Shennum; Celebrant: S. Page
6:30pm Creating Balance class – L. Nitchals, R.N., Parish Nurse, facilitating
Monday, November 17
10:00am Covenant Group meeting – C. Balling, P. Brooke, D. Sconce, co-facilitating
12:00pm Communications Group meeting – M. Seman, facilitating
Tuesday, November 18
10:00am Covenant Group meeting – J. Scott, facilitating
Wednesday, November 19
9:00am Buddhist meditation
5:15pm Peace Vigil in Wenatchee (off site)
5:30pm Zen Buddhist Group meditation
6:00pm Youth Group meeting (Blue House)
6:30pm Tibetan Buddhist Group meditation
11:00pm Deadline for next Sunday’s announcements
Thursday, November 20
7:00pm Covenant Group meeting – V. Zuttermeister, facilitating
Friday, November 21
Saturday, November 22
Sunday, November 23
A-L please bring treats
10:30am Service: Our UU Roots – Rev. Laura Shennum; Celebrant: C. Rader
12:00pm Great Turning discussion – K. Erlanson, S. Petit, T. Petit, co-facilitating
12:00pm RE meeting – Rev. Laura Shennum, facilitating (Blue House)
6:30pm Qigong class – L. Farmer, facilitating
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For additional news items, click here.