Climate and Environment

April 21, 2024 Service Topic

Trans Student Educational Resources

March 26 Service Topic

Housing Security

February 19, 2024 Service Topic

View the presentation on the Chelan Douglas Homeless Crisis Response System completed in January 2023 before the Point in Time homeless count.

Housing Resources

Network of Regional Immigrant Justice Organizations

Indigenous Rights Topic of November 20 Service

John Sirois spoke at the November 20, 2022 service at CUUF and led a forum after the service. John is a citizen of the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation and is of the respective Okanagan, Methow and Wenatchi Tribes, born and raised on the Colville Indian Reservation in Omak, WA. He carries cultural teachings and histories from his grandmother and extended family that tie him to the lands and waters of the greater Okanogan and Wenatchee Valley regions. John earned degrees from Dartmouth College (History, and Native American Studies) and Masters of Public Administration at the University of Washington.

John has worked for over 20 years in the Colville Tribes’ government, as former Council Chair and representative, and leading departments that focused on tribal lands, cultural preservation and revitalization, economic development, renewable energy project development, policy development, and governance. John currently serves as the Traditional Territory Advisor for the Colville Confederated Tribes advocating for the Indigenous rights to ensure that those rights are fully respected. He harvests Chinook salmon at the Icicle every year and can be seen there every spring and seeks to build a better future for all for generations to come.

False Promises

For information on the post-colonial history of the Wenatchi-P’squosa People see: False Promises, a 57-minute documentary The History of the Wenatchi Fishing Reservation, E. Richard Hart, p 163 in Western Legal History 13(2) 2000 Click Here to view the article.

JUUstice Washington is a UU action network addressing social and environmental justice on a regional basis. JUUstice Washington strives to inspire, educate, empower, and nurture the capacity of Unitarian Universalists, as well as community allies, to collaboratively advocate for and undertake social and environmental justice initiatives, and to support legislative change that aligns with Unitarian Universalist values in Washington and beyond.

How to Find Joy in Climate Action

Ayana Elizabeth Johnson says that the climate change movement can be satisfying when we use our experiences, skills, and resources, and involve our communities. Click here for Ayana Elizabeth Johnson’s TED Talk, “Ayana Elizabeth Johnson”.

Indigenous Rights and Reparation

The CUUF congregation has identified Indigenous Rights and Reparation as a priority this year; reflected in our Land Acknowledgement. “We are not here to “save the Indian,” or atone for our past actions, but to work together to address the issues that affect all of us, our shared future.” Here are some actions that can be the start of our individual work.