CUUF Provided Resources

CUUF Care Team
The CUUF Care Team is key to our congregational mission to seek, embrace, and serve. When times are tough, we don’t have to go it alone. Each member of the Care Team are screened and trained. Rev. Thomas Perchlik and CUUF Care Team members extend a ministry of presence, care, non-judgmental companionship, and compassionate listening. Our Care Team offers confidential one-on-one listening presence to members and friends of the church during times of difficulty or crisis. Working with Rev. Perchlik, while maintaining confidentiality, they connect members with community resources that help aid, and offer spiritual support, comfort, and prayer. All Care Team members are accountable to the minister.
Contact the CUUF Care Team by emailing or Rev. Thomas Perchlik, at

Household Wildfire Evacuation Plan 4/2020 Click Here
Resources Developed to Assist Those in Vulnerable Situations
Here is a link to resources developed WA State Immigrant Solidarity Network to help our community members in vulnerable situations.