Congregational Updates
Why are we here?
As you may know, our congregation, through our National Association, has changed our official language about what we are trying to do in this world. We used to describe ourselves through Seven Principles and
Six Sources. Now, we use seven Value Statements.
As a result, I and others in this Fellowship have decided to explore the new Values over the next seven to nine months. We plan to link worship themes and study group topics to these themes, at least one value per month for seven months. We are starting with Love, the new statement’s core value and guiding principle. Look for references to Love and other opportunities to explore the meaning of this value and guide in our worship during September. In October, the planned value and theme will be “Interdependence.”
For more information, theological reflection, history, and links to the final wording of the UUA Article 2 of its bylaws, go to: